Python Poetry Cheat Sheet
Python Poetry Cheat Sheet all the commands you will need to manage your package dependencies. A substitute to pip-manager.

Python Poetry Cheat Sheet all the commands you will need to manage your package dependencies. A substitute to pip-manager.
Follow the steps in this tutorial on How to set up MySQL replication. Backup your data between the Master and Slave databases automatically.
This Docker command cheat sheet will include commands for managing Docker Image, Container and how to execute command inside the container.
Okay so you are not a SysAdmin or NetOps, why bother about Docker? As a Software Developer myself, I will tell you why you should learn Docker.
This tutorial will show you how to Install Amazon Corretto and IntelliJ IDEA in Windows. Setup OpenJDK in IntelliJ to run Java program.
This quick guide to asyncio in Python will cover the practical use of asyncio functions and demonstrate how to do concurrent programming in Python.
Python has the unittest library to help you in testing the components of your system. Find out some practical examples that you can actually use for your daily Software Testing.
Learn how to use AWS Lambda for your next microservices applications. Utilize Function as a Service (Faas) to deploy your applications fast and efficient without the need to manage a host server.
Understand AWS Cognito OAuth 2.0 Flows. How to use the Client credentials for machine-to-machine authentication.
Understand AWS Cognito OAuth 2.0 Flows. How to use Authorization code grant for authentication and exchange for user pool tokens.