AWS SQS message broker for Python Celery
Set up an EC2 worker environment using Python Celery and AWS SQS as message broker. Grant permission to EC2 Instance with IAM User and Role.
Set up an EC2 worker environment using Python Celery and AWS SQS as message broker. Grant permission to EC2 Instance with IAM User and Role.
Learn how to use AWS Lambda for your next microservices applications. Utilize Function as a Service (Faas) to deploy your applications fast and efficient without the need to manage a host server.
Understand AWS Cognito OAuth 2.0 Flows. How to use the Client credentials for machine-to-machine authentication.
Understand AWS Cognito OAuth 2.0 Flows. How to use Authorization code grant for authentication and exchange for user pool tokens.
Understand AWS Cognito OAuth 2.0 Flows. How to use Implicit grant for authentication and retrieve User Info.
Understand the basics of AWS Cognito and how to create a User Pool.